Title: Otherworlds
Author: Tom Kidd
Publisher: North Light Books
RRP: $29.99
ISBN: 9781600618666
Release Date: February 2011
Pages: 192
Readers learn how to bring forth ideas more quickly, and communicate a sense of place that evokes a range of emotions, especially the thrill of taking an exotic journey to explore the unknown. Readers will enjoy Tom Kidd's lively and personal step-by-step instruction that includes information on materials, observing nature, drawing, form, colour, and creating special effects. Readers learn to create scenes so vast they take your breath away with exquisite skies and aircraft, rugged terrain, glittering cites, spectacular rock formations, stormy seas, magnificent forests and more.
OtherWorlds: How to Imagine, Paint and Create Epic Scenes of Fantasy is in the Impact art book series, but not set out as the others are. This book is a real step up in the game and elegant in its hardcover binding and presentation. Tom Kidd takes the reader on a graphical journey through many breathtaking pieces of fantasy artwork brought to life on the glossy pages of this book.
I particularly liked the photos at the beginning of the book showing the reader the set up of Kidd’s art studio, which makes any budding artist green with envy. It was extremely interesting to see just how a professional artist’s studio is set up.
While there are some step by step projects to work on and hone your craft as an artist like the other books in the Impact series, there is a lot more examples of the finished work of the author to help the reader visualise how the techniques can help your art.
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