Saturday, July 13, 2019

BOOK REVIEW: Monsters and Mythical Creatures from around the World

Monsters and Mythical Creatures from around the World
by Heather Frigiola Illustrations by Sky Cybele
Red Feather

Pub Date 28 Nov 2019 


Mythical creatures are cultural artifacts—creations of the human imagination from all around the world. From terrifying monsters to sacred mystical beasts, weird-looking humanoids, magical birds, and many other fantastic beings, the mythological creatures in this book are sure to enchant and amaze! Discover myths and legends spanning from ancient times to modern day from every corner of the globe. Learn the cultural origins of 240 different mythical creatures, captured in ten chapters and 100 colorful illustrations. You will find terrifying bogey monsters as well as benevolent guardians. Meet creatures that symbolize obstacles to overcome, ones that explain the occurrence of disease, some that ward away evil, and others that were created simply for amusement. Explore mythology from the Middle East, Africa, India, Japan, Mexico, Europe, Polynesia, and beyond. This guide is a ticket to travel the world and discover its strangest magical beasts from the safety of your own home. 

Available Editions

$24.99 (USD)

Monsters and Mythical Creatures From Around The World is a 220 page tome of nicely illustrated creatures from the folklore and mythos of many cultures from everywhere on the globe. There are 10 chapters of around twenty pages each covering a different region of the world, with one chapter solely covering Ancient Greek and Roman mythos. A total of 240 creatures are explored beautifully through well written and illustrated entries.

The title Monsters and Mythical Creatures could also have included Gods as they are also represented within this tome. I was quite impressed with the inclusion of the Pacific Region Mythology, which is often overlooked in many books on world mythos. The inclusion of the Drop Bear and Rainbow Serpent was an absolute surprise and delight to come across.

Overall, this was a well presented and unique book on Monsters and Creatures of the World’s Mythology.

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